Zimo 645 manually














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ZIMO decoders contain an EPROM which stores software that determines its characteristics and functions. The software version can be read out form CV #7. H0-Sound-Decoder with 10 (MX645) or 6 (MX644) function outputs, 3 Watt audio on 4 Ohm speaker (or 2 x 8 Ohm), with energy storage circuitry. ZIMO decoders contain an EPROM which stores software that determines its H0-Sound-Decoder with 10 (MX645) or 6 (MX644) function outputs, 3 Watt. ZIMO decoders contain an EPROM which stores software that determines its characteristics and functions. The software version can be read out form CV #7 and #65. Transcription of EDITION: INSTRUCTION MANUAL - ZIMO 05 01 SW version 2010 07 25 SW version 2010 10 15 New decoder families MX646 and MX645 included, New decoder families MX646 and MX645 included, SW version 28.5 – 2010 12 01 in this manual for more information on updating decoders or zimo.at !We have 2 Zimo MX645 manuals available for free PDF download: Instruction Manual. Zimo MX645 Instruction Manual (79 pages). Zimo MX645 and MX644 sound decoders provide dedicated connections for pad (see the Zimo decoder manual for details of where the pads are located).

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