Yamaha thr editor manual














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THR Editor. Owner's Manual. Special Notices • The software and this Owner's Manual are the exclusive copyrights of Yamaha Corporation. The THR Editor, a software download available from Yamaha, allows you in-depth control of the THR5 that goes beyond the control knobs on the amp itself. It also puter's USB jack to the USB jack on the THR10/5. as shown in the diagram below. The THR Editor lets you change settings (param-. eters) in the THR10/5 usingPage 16: Yamaha THR10 / THR10C / THR10X / THR5 / THR5A Owners Manual - Connecting 2) Edit THR amp settings using the editing application on a computer. Refer to the THR Editor's Owner's Manual or the Help Guide for information on settings and operation of the THR Editor. * The Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver may be THR is designed to fit where, when, and how you play when you're not on stage. With big amp response, incredible effects, and hi-fi stereo sound in a 2) Edit THR amp settings using the editing application on a computer. 3) Record audio using the Cubase AI application. The following software must be installed The THR Editor is a software application that lets you freely edit settings and create patch files on a computer screen for Yamaha's THR10, THR5, THR10C,

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