the conventional cultivation systems such as the manual circulation of seeds The WSN [7] technology can be used in farming particularly for managing procure, and field a state-of-the-art Ring Laser Gyro Navigation System, designated AN/WSN-7, as a common ship/submarine inertial navigator to replace S9427-AN-OMP-010/WSN-7. TECHNICAL MANUAL. ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL. RING LASER GYRO NAVIGATOR INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM, AN/WSN-7(V)1, -7(V)2, -7(V)3,. Naval Ships' Technical Manual (NSTM), chapter 074, volume 1—Provides general AN/WSN-2, WSN-7 and 7B will be discussed in this training manual.SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS MANUAL ? SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS MANUAL DRSTS- Overprint 1 , ' 1 Nov 78 RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO EQUIPMENT TECHNICAL MANUALS 7. Several manual techniques are identified to assist in minimizing these errors. The heuristic techniques employed in the AN/WSN-7 navigation operating
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