Wolverine moviemaker-pro manual







The Wolverine Reels2Digital Moviemaker-Pro converts old reel-to-reel 8mm and Super 8 movies into digital movies (no sound) with few strokes. Works like a typical projector where you mount up to 9-inch reels, insert the memory card, press a few buttons, and the apparatus will pull the film and scan frame-by-frame to create an MP4 movie file that you can play on any computer, edit, upload to the reel, insert a memory card, press few buttons and the Wolverine Film2digital MovieMaker will scan frame-by-frame to create a digital MP4 movie file that you can play on any computer. You can also edit, upload movie files to internet or burn them to DVD's. The Wolverine Film2digital MovieMaker pays for itself taking into ! " # $%" &' %( ) ) %*+ ' %, # - .$%( %/0&) 1%*$.%' .2 $*' 0+ 2 3%%4 " $1.5%67 .%) .) " $0.1%*$.% /*' 0+ 2 %*+ ' %67 .%/0&) %01%8 .9" ) 0+ 2 %) " $.%8 $066&.%:# 16 Buy Wolverine Data Film2Digital MovieMaker-PRO 8mm and Super 8 Converter featuring Scan 8mm and Super 8 Film, 3.53MP 1/3" CMOS Sensor, Creates Full HD 1080p Video at 20 fps, Works with Reels up to 9", Automatic or Manual Exposure Control, Supports SD/SDHC Card up to 32GB, TV-Out Cable for TV Playback, USB 2.0 Connectivity. Review Wolverine Data MovieMaker Pro manually advance the film. Make sure the film leader is past the film route and on the RIGHT reel, otherwise the film may not advance. If the film is wound too tight or too loose, the machine will not feed the film properly. To ensure proper winding onto the reel, it might be a good idea to REWIND the film off of the reel then back onto it. 10.

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