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SM-101 and SS-101 are now in version 102, using technology from MP-201. I've used SL and SS-101, and heard many of the Vitus products many times. The warmest of the two is the preamp, the power amps are neutral but also sounds a little warm. With the preamp I prefer for example the super fast and neutral Soulution 710. 40kg monster amp from Vitus Audio. 2x 300W / 8Ohm, 2x 600W / 4Ohm, with first 12 watts per channel in full Class -A mode. Close to mint condition. One owner unit. Used in dedicated smoke, animal, and kids free listening room. "Vitus has packed so much musicality into this single box, you might be tempted to stop your Vitus journey right here. A look behind the scenes at the Vitus Audio factory. At Vitus Audio, we are extremely proud to say that all of our products are handmade in Denmark. There are a number of reasons this is important to us. First and foremost, by keeping production in house at our facility in Denmark, our quality control can meet our stringent standards and when Manual Library / Vitus Audio. Vitus Audio Products. Product Catalogue. add a review. Content. SCD-010, SL-010, SL-101, SM-010, SM-101, SP-101, SS-010, SS-050, SS-101. Year: 2009. Downloads. 2009 catalogue - jalal1926. This website is not affiliated with or sponsored by Vitus Audio. To purchase Products spares or accessories, please contact Vitus Audio. At this time Vitus Audio offers 3 different "commercial" product lines: Reference, Signature and Masterpiece. There's also a mention of the "Design Studio" series, but these products are by special order only. So forget that. For the moment. I'm confused again. The Signature Series was the first line-up. Posts. 901. Re: Vitus SIA-030. The SIA-030 isn't intended to be a replacement for the SS-101. As Mike said, it is intended to augment the SIA-025 Mk2. Therein the model designation indicates where it sits in the Signature series product line. The chassis won't be as big as the SS-101, more like the size of the RI-100. The manual for each current Vitus Audio product can be found on the corresponding product page. If you need a manual for a discontinued Vitus Audio product, please fill out the service form with all the required information. Tags: Products Should I read the manual for my Vitus Audio product before use? SS-101 The 85kg SS-101 is a huge beast. Its front is very similar to the preamplifier, with a similar black acrylic cover for the central display. Even the push buttons are exactly the same to prove how this in fact is an integrated amplifier. Vitus RL-101. Apple Remote. Original Box. CD Manual . The RL-101′s specifications are very impressive yet Vitus tends to undersell them. For instance, Vitus states on its website that the Reference RL-101 is "simply an upgraded version of the RL-100″, yet it does not use the battery power supply found on the RL-100. Vitus Audio SM-101 Aiphone PG-10A Vitus Audio SIA-025 Vitus Audio RCD-100 Vitus Audio RS-100 J&M Corporation JAMP-330HC06 Vitus Audio SIA-030 Vitus Audio scd-025 Vitus Audio RI-100 Vitus Audio SS-025 Amplifier: Frequently-viewed manuals Orion 2100HCCA Owner's Manual Owner's manual (1 pages) QLIGHT SAMP12 Operating Manual Operating manual (2 pages) The unit comes in original shipping crate with manual and original Vitus high quality mains lead. The SS-010 was £12,500 new and has now been replaced by the SIA-025, at a mere £18,000! I am confident of returning to Vitus at some point in the future however for now
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