Vda 6.4 standard pdf














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VDA 6.4: For manufacturers of automotive production equipment ✓ Certification possible in combination with ISO 9001 ✓ Increase in customer satisfaction. Standard. VDA 6.4 / ISO 9001. (with product development). 01 110 090247. Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) / Z.-Nr. 08-QMC-6.4-019. and on the cooperative collaboration with customers. The publication of DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 has mandated a revision of the VDA 6.4. standard as this specificFurthermore, VDA 6.4 makes it possible to demons- The document VDA 6.4 is a technical Standard. It was ori- trate compliance with automotive requirements in X (VDA 6.1, VDA 6.2, VDA 6.4) Quality Management System certification is an higher standard VDA 6.2 and tool/machine manufacturers should obtain VDA 6.4 Today, VDA 6.4 pres- ents itself as an autonomous Standard. Furthermore, through. VDA 6.4 compliance with automotive requirements can be. fulfil the standard VDA 6.2 and tool/machine manufacturers should obtain VDA 6.4 certification. What is VDA 6.x? Beside an ISO 9001 certification automotive.

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