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The following tutorial will list the steps needed and will give an example of creating a new data set. STEP 1: Defining Variables in a New Data Set. Variables For example, the dialog boxes for a histogram and scatterplot are shown, respectively, in Figures 9 and 10. Make the appropriate variable selections, and clickSPSS Beginners Tutorials. Quickly master SPSS by learning it the right way. Follow along with our examples on downloadable practice data files. Recoding binary variables is a critically important part of data analysis. Suppose, for example, that all you want to know is whether a specific event occurred. SPSS Statistics Core system or ignore the online tutorial and start with the For example, you can create a chart that shows the relationship between View - Includes option to view assigned Values for variables rather than what was typed in. For example, in Section 0.2 we assigned values. Freshman, Sophomore, SPSS Survival Manual: A Step By Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows (Version 10). 295 Pages·2001·29.21 MB·9,318 Downloads·New!

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