firma contra LSP
3. 6kanál Hobby King 2.4Ghz 6Ch Tx (nastavovala se komplet na pc, ale to mi tehdy nevadilo ) 4. Dx6i. 5. Graupner MX-12Hott - momentálně používané. 6. Turnigy TGY-i6. Po prvním okouknutí bych zařadil TGY-i6 někam mezi 6 kanál Hobbykingu a Dx6i a to je slušná pozice na rádio za jedenáct stovek i s přijímačem The Turnigy TGY-i6 (or Flysky i6) is a very popular Transmitter due the low cost and is very common to found it on a ready to fly bundle. I wanted to get into the FPV world after been playing with a Parrot AR Drone for a while but at the same time I wanted to save some money. UAV tutorials and Guides - UNMANNED TECH Flysky I6 Manual 22/6/2017 This is the operation manual for the Flysky FS-I6 Radio Control. You can download the PDF or view it on this page. Flysky-FS-i6-manual.pdf Download File Tgy i6 manual Posted by Doug on April 14, 2016 at 10:59am I figured I'd type up the instructions for setting up the FlySky FS-I6/Turnigy TGY-I6 flight mode switches for the ardupilot manual.l'll include a link to the video at the end as well. You will use a 3 position switch (SWC) and a 2 position switch (in this case, SWD. Turnigy 9x V2 Manual Pdf Diamond I was able to bind it to the old HK-TR6A-V2 receiver. well as fixed the manual. Hobbyking Hk T6a V2 Driver Download Edited by D. Bacon y11m06d30a for: 1. Better understanding in English. 2. Mode 2 operation Support Warnings Safety Charging Transmitter layout ervo connections Turnigy TGY-i6 - how to bind 1 • Do not fly at night or in bad weather like rain or thunderstorm. It can cause erratic operation or loss of control. • Do not use the product when the visibility is limited. • Do not use the product on rainy or snowy days. Should any type of moisture (water or snow) enter any component of the system, erratic operation and loss of control I purchased a Turnigy TGY -i6 from HobbyKing since it has programmable settings. I could use help from the technically savvy members here. I have removed the right stick and replaced with push buttons. I know all 4 buttons solder joints work when tested using a ohm meter on sound. My problem is getting past the first warning display on my TX. A receiver hook up sheet is included that details both standard and MFC setups. Brand new, includes Transmitter, receiver, bind plug and manual in original box. Basic Program Functions: Dual Rates Sub Trim Travel Adjust Channel Reverse Swash Mix Gyro Sensitivity Throttle Curve Monitor Pitch Curve Throttle Hold Model Name The 9XR is a computerized radio from Turnigy. The transmitter is outfitted with a 128x64 pixel monochrome LCD, two x 2 axis gimbals, three variable potentiometers (pots), six 2-position switches, one 3-position switch and some funky In this manual they are noted with square brackets ([MENU]). Some functions need the button to be pressed and The bind procedure should be in the manuals for the Evolution and the receiver. Apr 28, 2018, 03:57 PM #3; Airvortex. Airvortex. Registered User. Turnigy tgy-i6 tx won't bind with turnigy tgy-iA6 rx: Bringamosa: Radios: 9: Dec 17, 2018 10:46 PM: Mini-Review: TGY-iA6C Receiver: mojone87: Multirotor Drone Talk: 97:
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