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The logical framework (LogFrame) helps to clarify objectives of any project, program, or policy. It aids in the identification of the expected causal links—the "program logic"—in the following results chain: inputs, processes, expected outputs, outcomes, and impact. ANNEX 1: LOGICAL FRAMEWORK Project description Indicators Means of verification Assumptions Goal Improved food security and livelihoods of the rural population By the end of 2011: • percentage of people falling under IPC Phase 4 decreased by 20%. IPC, SIFSIA activities. Outcomes Reduced vulnerability to shocks among rural communities in the World Bank (2000). Key Performance Indicator Handbook. Washington, D.C. Hatry, H. (1999). Performance Measurement: Getting Results. The Urban . Institute, Washington, D.C. F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N : N The Logical Framework ApproachWhat is it?The logical framework (LogFrame) helps to clarify objectives of any project, program,or policy. Logical framework approach. Mon, 11/24/2008 - 16:18 — Cristina Sette. The following text is drawn from World Bank (2004). What is it? The logical framework (LogFrame) helps to clarify objectives of any project, program, World Bank (2005). The Logframe Handbook, World Bank: 1 - The Logical Framework Approach updated AusGUIDElines The Logical Framework Approach 1 1. The Logical Logical Framework Handbook - World Bank On Logical framework analysis (logframes in the On Logical framework analysis (logframes in the LOGICAL FRAMEWORK MATRIX LOGICAL FRAMEWORK MATRIX â€" LFM Wider Objective: Indi What is the overall Proper activity planning provides the framework for developing an integrated project approach and implementation plan, ultimately allowing for the creation of the project's Design Document. Defining Activities Outputs should be decomposed into activities that allow the project to achieve the erence to the World Bank's Operational Directive 4.30, Involuntary Resettlement (OD 4.30). This handbook explains how and under what circumstances OD 4.30 applies and what actions IFC expects project sponsors to take to manage involuntary resettlement. As such, the handbook provides an outline of the rights, roles, and responsibilities of all Phone: +61 2 9514 8727 T he project environment is often referred to as a 'temporary organisation' where social interactions occur to deliver projects. The aim of a logical and hydrological data • Total costs of control options, derived by Pollution Control Analytical tools have been developed by the World Bank Group to estimate rapidly the extent and impacts of pollution in a given situation and to support decisions on pollution manage- Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook WORLD BANK The Logframe Handbook: A Logical Framework Approach to Project Cycle Management The World Bank ( 2000 ) The Logical Framework Approach, Handbook for objectives-oriented planning, Fourth edition, NORAD, 1999, ISBN 82-7548-160-. Guidance on the DFID Logical Framework, as received by CARE in 1997 [includes matrix] resource pricing framework that provides incen-tives for continuous improvements in environ-mental performance. In its economic and sector work, the Bank Group assesses the role of prices, taxes, and other instruments to ensure that there are incentives to apply such measures. Environmental Regulations The World Bank encourages its country borrow- resource prici
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