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The tender advertisement period has to take into account the need for approval (usually at the advertisement and award stages) from the lender or donor, the need to adhere to local or national government regulations and bureaucratic procedures, whether it will be advertised internationally, regionally or nationally and the scope of works. instances, the tendering and evaluation procedures described in the Instructions to Tenderers (ITT) of the actual tender document used should be followed. 2. Open tendering for Works contracts is to be conducted using the latest version of the Standard Tender Document (STD) for the Procurement of Works issued by the Bank. 3. The following standard forms and guide are based on the Instructions 11. The Tendering Process Step 1 : NIT - Notice Inviting Tender (Advertisement, Post , Email.. ) Step 2 : EOI- Expression of Interest by respective Bidders Step 3 : Tender document Floating/ Selling Step 4 : Pre Bid Meeting Step 5 : Bid Submission- In Single Phase or Two Phases Step 6 : Bid Opening - In Single Phase or Two Phases Step 7 7 Stages of the Tender Process Based on the Open Process: Procuring Agency publishes the tender on a Public Procurement Portal (e.g. TED / FTS) The Bidding Organisation reviews the Tender Notice and submits an Expression of Interest (EOI). • Download tender information from GETS. • Note key dates and list information you need to prepare. • Seek clarification from the buyer if anything is unclear before the deadline for questions (the clarification period). • Prepare and collate your bid, including pricing. • Sign the declaration. • Submit your bid before closing date. tendering procedure which allows to choose the most appropriate candidates from amongst those declaring willingness to participate in the tendering. Pre-qualification and bid evaluation procedures involve different types of criterion to evaluate the overall suitability of contractors such as: General, technical, managerial, and financial criteria, financial stability, managerial capability and part t1: tendering procedures tender notice and invitation to tender t1.1: bid notice and invitation to bid appointment of maximum of 10 consultants for civil engineering services for a period of three years in elias motsoaledi local municipality bid number: emlm 20/2023 responsiveness and evaluation criteria: 1. responsiveness criteria conduct this is covered in detail in the Tender Evaluation CPS; and (c) Best and Final Offers (BAFO) - these involve another round of . tendering where the evaluation cannot clearly identify the tenderer . to award the contract. It is policy to avoid the use of BAFOs as . they are costly, introduce delays and are more open to a legal The 4 main types of tenders are: Open tender. Selective tender. Negotiated tender. Single-stage and two-stage tender. Open tender. Open tendering is the main tendering procedures employed by both the government and private sector. Open tendering allows anyone to submit a tender to supply the goods or
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