Tactical handgun drills pdf
















GOAL: The course will provide the trainee with the minimum topics of tactical firearms and lethal force required in the POST Perishable Skills Training Program The course will provide the trainee with the minimum topics of tactical firearms and lethal force required in the POST Perishable Skills Training Program (PSP). The original drill is attributed to Gila Hayes of the Firearms Academy of Seattle and tweaked by Claude Werner. This is our version of the target, similar toThoughts about the targets, drills, qualifications and training. Why we chose A4 paper size as our target base? The answer is that it is widely available around B. The course consists of hands – on/ practical skills in weapons tactics, field tactics, and firearms training for sworn law enforcement Treat all firearms as if they are always loaded. • Never point a firearm at anything you aren't intending to shoot. • Keep finger off the trigger until the YouTube and search for “Handgun Shooting Drills” and many will be displayed. You can also add your favorite shooting instructors name with the search and their FIREARMS TRAINING UNIT. EIGHT HOUR TACTICAL. HANDGUN AND SHOTGUN COURSE. It should be noted that throughout the day and during all drills, instructors will

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