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Your M&P SHIELD pistol may be equipped with a manual thumb safety lever. WARNING: NEVER RELY ON MECHANICAL FEATURES. ALONE. ONLY YOUR SAFE GUN HANDLING WILL. We took the power and features of our full sized M&P pistols and put them into a slim, lightweight pistol the size of your hand. The M&P Shield is an easy to Operator's Manual. CF-SHIELD. S&W M&P Shield 9mm & .40 S&W the firearm operator's manual to ensure that the firearm is unloaded. INSTALLATION. READ THESE. INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS. CAREFULLY. BE SURE YOU. UNDERSTAND THESE. INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS. BEFORE USING THIS FIREARM. FAILURE TO READ THESE. Smith & Wesson M&P Shield M2.0 Pistol w/ Manual Thumb Safety Black 9mm 3.1″ ~. SALE.FAILURE TO READ THESE. INSTRUCTIONS AND TO FOLLOW. THESE WARNINGS MAY RESULT. IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. TO YOU AND OTHERS AND. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. THIS SAFETY Your M&P SHIELD® pistol may be equipped with a manual thumb safety lever. WARNING: NEVER RELY ON MECHANICAL FEATURES. ALONE. ONLY YOUR SAFE GUN HANDLING WILL. Your M&P®9 SHIELD™ PLUS pistol may be equipped with a manual thumb safety lever. WARNING: NEvER RELY ON MECHANICAL FEATURES. ALONE. ONLY YOUR SAFE GUN HANDLING This Smith & Wesson® M&P® & Shield® Pistols Disassembly & Reassembly Gun-Guides® Manual book is for M&P9®, M&P40®, M&P45® and SHIELD® Models.

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