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From Book Ownership to the Use of Media», en Id., Literacy in Everyday Life. Reading and Writing in Early Modern Dutch Diaries, Boston, Brill, pp. 1-39. de GM MEIER · Citado por 1 — 2002 ALFAOMEGA GRUPO EDITOR, S.A. de C.V.. Pitágoras 1139, Col. El PQP ponderado de rango, en relación con la media del ingreso nacional,.This is a Spanish translation of part of the Introduction to the first edition (1990) of The Book of Memory. A link to The Book of Memory itself (publishedCritical discourse analysis of media texts - › › Critical_discourse_analysis_oCARRUTHERS, Susan L. (2000): The Media at War: Communication and Conflict in the Twentieth Century. New York: St. Martin's Press. de T BARKAWI · 2006 · Citado por 733 — Abstract. In this article, we critique the Eurocentric character of security studies as it has developed since World War II. The taken-for-granted de DELAPE LA VALORACIÓN · 2021 — Editor-in-Chief However, a judge's motives must always be in writing and 18 Carruthers, Susan L. The Media at War: Communication and Conflict in the de P Bjerke · Citado por 3 — Vista previa del PDF. 115Bjerke, Paul (2016). Mediated spies. Cold War Espionage Affairs in European Newspapers. Nordicom Review, 37(special issue): 115-130. 5 jul 2022 — 8 Susan Carruthers notes that the typical bonding elements of the war film genre are absent in these films because of the interracial 5 jul 2022 — Discussing the humanitarian interventions of the 1990s and the War on Terror, the book analyzes the rise of a postmodern sensibility in domestic 2. Architecture in the Press. The end of Spanish Civil War meant the need of reconstructing the identity of the nation. To do so, media and architecture would
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