Special education paraprofessional handbook

Special education paraprofessional handbook














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The special education paraprofessional is as much a part of creating this image as is the classroom teacher. Therefore, your actions, speech, and dress should This handbook has been designed to educate and inform paraprofessionals of district policies and job related information and is posted on the special education As a special education paraprofessional, you have a critical role in providing the necessary supports within the school setting to assist students in Education District serves 13 school districts with a variety of programs including special education. We provide support for teachers, paraprofessionals,. Job Summary: ​Special Education Paraprofessionals provide assistance, under case manager and classroom teacher direction, to students identified with Public Law 94-142 (Education of All Handicapped Children Act), children with special needs often continued to be excluded from the public education system Page 1 of 7. 500A Forum Drive | Rolla, MO 65401 | Phone: 573.458.0100 | fax: 573.458.0105. 2019-20 SPECIAL EDUCATION. PARAPROFESSIONAL HANDBOOK It is the responsibility of the aide to assist the special education instructor so that students may take full advantage of available instructional and physicalSpecial education paraprofessionals are an integral team, assisting students with special education needs to meet their educational goals and personal care 2). The focus of this handbook is for paraprofessionals who work primarily with students with special needs and who may be included in one or more educational

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