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The semicolon has two uses: 1. To connect two related independent clauses (complete sentences) in order to emphasize a relationship between the clauses. 2. To separate items in a list that already has commas. When in doubt, take the semicolon out and make two separate sentences. 1. A semicolon is used to connect two independent clauses. Example: filexlib. Punctuation: the colon, semicolon, and more > Introduction to semicolons © 2022 Khan Academy Terms of use Privacy Policy Cookie Notice Using semicolons and commas Google Classroom Loading Oops. Something went wrong. Please try again. Uh oh, it looks like we ran into an error. You need to refresh. If this problem persists, tell us.
Worksheets are Semicolon and colon work tes, Colon and semicolon, Semicolons and colons, Semicolons, Colon and semicolon work with answers, Semi colon challenge work, Comma semicolon and colon rules, Colons and semicolons questions for tests and work. *Click on Open button to open and print to worksheet. 1. Semicolon and colon worksheet tes -. 2.
Free English Course Colons and Semicolons Test This colons and semicolons test checks if you know the difference between the two. You can practice your English writing and punctuation with this exercise. Good luck! Colons and Semicolons Test Time limit: 0 Quiz-summary 0of 10 questions completed Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ID: 71731 Language: English School subject: English Language Arts (ELA) Grade/level: 7 Age: 10-13 Main content: Punctuation Other contents: Grammar Add to my workbooks (53) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom
Semicolons The semicolon has three primary functions: 1) To combine two closely related complete sentences (independent clauses) which are not joined by a conjunction. 2) To separate complete sentences (independent clauses) that are joined by a conjunctive adverb. 3) To separate items in a list when commas alone would be confusing. If you use a comma, colon, or semicolon and it makes your writing harder to read, you may not be using it correctly! COMMAS, COLONS, AND SEMICOLONS LESSON PLAN WORKSHEETS. The Commas, Colons, and Semicolons lesson plan includes three worksheets: an activity worksheet, a practice worksheet, and a homework assignment.
4 | Semicolon worksheet Whether it's for a recap or plenary, this one-page PDF has a brief description of semicolon use and then nine sentences for students to add a semicolon in the right place. It then asks them to pick any of the sentences and write a paragraph based on it, including at least two semicolons. You can download and print here.
Semicolons and Colons Quiz 2. 1. For each of the following, choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. A) Denise prefers to eat chicken or fish; I'm a vegetarian. B) Denise prefers to eat chicken or fish: I'm a vegetarian. C) Denise prefers to eat chicken or fish, I'm a vegetarian.
The semicolon worksheets below may be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the title. Each is free for you to use in the classroom or in your home. Need a semicolon Refresher? Semicolon Rules and Examples Punctuation Match: Symbols and Words For your beginning grammarian, this game asks her to match the punctuation symbol with the word.
Answer : Commas vs. Semicolons - Compound Sentences Exercise : Commas with Nonessential Elements Exercise 1 Answer : Commas with Nonessential Elements Exercise 1 Exercise : Commas with Nonessential Elements Exercise 2 Answer : Commas with Nonessential Elements Exercise 2 Exercise : Commas with Nonessential El
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