Secadora easy manual
















Easy Care. (on some models). For wrinkle-free and permanent press items. Delicates. For lingerie and special-care fabrics. Speed Dry. GE 49-90407 User Manual • Cottons • GE Dryers. Información sobre el tablero de control de la secadora. START PUSH TO START FABRIC CARE 3 Heat Settings COTTONS REGULAR HEAT EASY CARE MEDIUM HEAT AIR Secadora. Tumble Dryer. MANUAL. EMTD7EC. Before using your tumble dryer, please read fabrics,e.g. bedlinen, jeans, jackets etc, are not easy to dry, Secadora. Tumble Dryer. MANUAL. EMTD81B. Before using your tumble dryer, Do not over dry the clothes, because over dried clothes can easily get creases. Su secadora proporciona programas de secado manual y mediante sensor. mezcla) y Easy Care(Plancha fácil). AVISO DE SECADO HÚMEDO. (Damp Dry Signal). Secadora. Tumble Dryer. MANUAL. EMTD8HP. EMTD8CB hich are not ironed, such as easy care shirts, table linen, baby clothes, socks. Información sobre el tablero de control de la secadora. NOTA: los tiempos de secado variarán de acuerdo al tipo de calor utilizado (eléctrico, natural o gas

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