firma contra LSP
2.1 The Parts of a C++ Program 27 2.2 The cout Object 31 2.3 The #include Directive 36 2.4 Variables and Literals 37 2.5 Identifiers 41 2.6 Integer Data Types 42 2.7 The char Data Type 47 2.8 Floating-Point Data Types 52 2.9 The bool Data Type 55 2.10 Determining the Size of a Data Type 56 2.11 Variable Assignments and Initialization 57 2.12 Call by reference. 1. A copy of value is passed to the function. An address of value is passed to the function. 2. Changes made inside the function is not reflected on other functions. Changes made inside the function is reflected outside the function also. 3. Actual and formal arguments will be created in different memory location. A reference is defined as an alias for another variable. In short, it is like giving a different name to a pre-existing variable. Once a reference is initialized to the variable, we can use either the reference name or the variable to refer to that variable. Creating references in C++. The basic syntax to create a reference is - Data type& new When reference variables are used as formal parameters, this is known as Pass By Reference. void Func2 (int& x, double& y) { x = 12; // these WILL affect the original arguments y = 20.5; } When a function expects strict reference types in the parameter list, an L-value (i.e. a variable, or storage location) must be passed in. There is another variable that C++ supports, i.e., references. It is a variable that behaves as an alias for another variable. How to create a reference? Reference can be created by simply using an ampersand (&) operator. When we create a variable, then it occupies some memory location. Variable Argument Lists
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