R129 manually lower roll bar
















It is not recommended to brake the vehicle by manually shifting to a lower gear. We recommend to select positions "4" (for model 300 SL), "3" or "2" only at moderate speeds (for hill driving). After 1500 km (1000 miles) speeds may be gradually increased to the permissible maximum. 8 cover unlocking bolt is hiding between the roll bar and the rear seat side panel…) 2. Raise the soft top, and keep the rear of the soft top raised. 3. Inspection for leaks: (Passenger side rear lock, next to tonneau lift cylinder…) The locking cylinders are mounted upright, and they have a groove below the point from which they would be You'll be able to inspect the hardware which operates the bar. I've a 91 300SL also, but when I had a similar problem, it was a bad switch on the axle. Somewhere in one of the threads about the roll bar controller is a list of what signal is on each wire at the controller connector. ABHulgan. 05-08-2011 11:40 PM. There are only four types of AMG-modified SLs and they are rare. The SL55 (65 units made), the SL60 (633 units made), the SL70 (150 units made), and the SL73 (42 units made). Most of these cars live in Europe. Keep in mind that only 204,940 total units of the R129 SL were made so the AMG models are extremely rare and valuable. It is not recommended to brake the vehicle by manually shifting to a lower gear. We recommend to select positions "3", "2" or "1" only at moderate speeds (for hill driving). After 1000 miles (1500 km) speeds may be gradually increased to the permissible maximum. Check Regularly and Before a Long Trip See Index Maintenance Joined Jul 30, 2006. 8,660 Posts. #16 · Apr 15, 2011. coma said: trying to resolve an issue with my roll bar (1990, 300SL), read through a lot of posts and stickies, but couldn't find any posts similar to my problem. My roll bar is not moving at all. No flashing arrows on the switch and the roll bar indicator light is not lit.

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