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Editor-in-chief; Editor Board; Instructions for Authors Cavity preparation and restoration repair/debonding with lasers preparation is very useful in pediatric dentistry for treatment of caries in primary teeth as well as for sealants and preventive resin restorations. Children accept and often prefer this new way of treatment for the Background Layering techniques for direct composite resin restorations might be complicated for inexperienced learners, as a number of materials and instruments are required at each step. The present study aimed to compare and assess the teaching effect of step-by-step and all-in-one teaching methods in layering techniques for direct composite resin restorations among undergraduate dental The dental literature favors the use of highly filled resin composites in restoration of small pit and fissure caries where conservative preventive resin restorations are indicated in both the primary and permanent dentition . In contrast, the selection of materials for restorations should be chosen by the location and size of the lesion, the In mixed dentition, the number of composite restorations was 1261 (58.19%) for 2015-2017 and 906 (41.81%) for 2018-2020. The number of composite restorations in primary dentition was 357 (53.77%) in 2015-2017 and 307 (46.23%) in 2018-2020. According to Table 1, the most commonly taught methods in undergraduate programmes were preventive fissure sealant and preventive resin restoration (PRR). These interventions were taught 'both didactically and clinically' in all dental schools. In this case report direct composite resin restorations were decided as the treatment method due to aesthetical demands of the patient having restricted time and money. At six-month and one-year recalls the general outlook of the maxillary anterior teeth was considered natural and aesthetical. Editor: Jeffrey Dean; eBook ISBN: 9780323698214; Hardcover ISBN: 9780323698207; Purchase options. Preventive Resin Restoration (Sealed Composite Resin Restoration) 12. Restorative Dentistry; Introduction; Status of Common Restorative Materials; Maintenance of a Clean Field; Isolite System; Simonsen RJ. Preventive resin restorations: three-year results. J Am Dent Assoc. 1980;100:535-539. Altarabulsi MB, Alkilzy M, Petrou MA, Splieth C. Clinical safety, quality and effect of resin infiltration for proximal caries. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2014;15:39-44. Walsh LJ, Brostek AM. Minimum intervention dentistry principles and objectives. Editor-in-chief; Editor Board; Instructions for Authors Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry. September 12-13, 2022. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry Vienaa, Cementation of aesthetic resin composite indirect restorations: A case review 4 th Asia Pacific Congress & Expo on Dental and Oral Health The risk of restoration fracture does not seem to be higher with composite resin restorations, but there is a much higher risk of developing secondary caries. Very low-certainty evidence suggests that there may be no clinically important differences in the safety profile of amalgam compared with composite resin dental restorations. however, the portion that remains on the toothrestoration interface is maintained. 6 the repair is defined as the partial removal of the restoration, which allows better examination and diagnosis Caries-Preventive Effect of High-Viscosity Glass Ionomer and Resin-Based Fissure Sealants on Permanent T
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