firma contra LSP
Physical Asset Management pp.93-111 Nicholas Hastings The aim of this chapter is to introduce the concepts of discounted cash flow in the context of asset management decisions to see how these are Features include: providing a textbook for asset management courses to university level; relating closely to the ISO55000 international asset management standard series; providing a basis for the establishment of physical asset management as a professional discipline; and presenting case studies, analytical techniques and numerical examples with solutions. Written for practitioners and students in asset management, this book provides an essential foundation to the topic. Nicholas A. J. Hastings Physical Asset Management 4y Springer. Contents Table of Figures xxiii Outline of this Book xxix 1 Introduction to Asset Management 1 1.1 Background 2 1.2 What is an Asset? - An Accountant's View 3 1.3 What Is Asset Management? 4 1.3.1 Definition 4 10.8.1 Physical or Service Losses 133 10.8.2 Cost of Failure 134 The general principles of physical asset management are discussed in a manner which makes them accessible to a wide audience, and covers all stages of the asset management process, including: initial business appraisal; identification of fixed asset needs; financial evaluation; logistic support analysis; life cycle costing; maintenance strategy; outsourcing; cost-benefit analysis; disposal; and renewal. Physical asset management is the management of fixed assets such as equipment, plant, buildings and infrastructure. Features include: *Suitable for university courses and builds on first edition to provide further analytical material. *Aligned with the international asset management standard ISO55000. Physical Asset Management: With an Introduction to ISO55000 (2nd ed.) by Nicholas Anthony John Hastings.
Significantly extended from the first edition and published in response to the new international standard ISO55000, this book on physical asset management (2nd Ed.) presents a systematic approach to the management of physical assets from concept to disposal. Significantly extended from the first edition and published in response to the new international standard ISO55000, this book on physical asset management (2nd Ed. Physical asset management is the management of fixed or non-current assets such as equipment and plant. Physical Asset Management presents a systematic approach to the management of these assets from concept to disposal. Historically, asset management has not been seen as a specific professional activity, but now perceptions are changing. Buy Physical Asset Management: A Practitioner's Guide by N.A.J. Physical Asset Management presents a systematic approach to the management of these assets from concept to disposal. Download Ebook Physical Asset Management: With an Introduction to ISO55000, by Nicholas Anthony John Hastings. Nicholas Anthony John Hastings 1 3 Physical Asset View 978-3-319-14777-2.pdf from BBA 002 at Kardan University. Nicholas Anthony John Hastings Physical Asset Management With an Introduction to ISO55000 Second Edition Physical Asset Hastings [1] describes asset management as a set of activities associated with: • Identifying what assets are needed; • Identifying funding requirements; • Acquiring assets; • Providing logistic and maintenance support systems for assets; • Disposing or renewing assets. So, as to effectively and efficiently meet the
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