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Specific Phobias. Patient Treatment Manual. This manual is both a guide to treatment and a workbook for persons who suffer from Anxiety and Panic Disorder.A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It is an extreme form of fear or anxiety, triggered by a particular situation or object. • A situation that triggers a that gives rise to phobia. The examples of some most common phobias are aquaphobia, acrophobia, arachnophobia, etc. Read on to find out what these terms mean. Understanding phobias. What is a phobia? A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It is an extreme form of fear or anxiety triggered by a particular A phobia is a specific and persistent fear of a situation, object or animal. There are many different types of phobias, some. A phobia is characterised as an intense and sometimes irrational fear towards an object or situation (Lader, 2006). These phobias may also limit daily life

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