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Oregon 4-H Ranch Horse Contest Guide (Oregon 4-H 13131) Oregon 4-H Horse Advancement Program (Oregon 4-H 1302R) 4-H Horse Project, PNW 587 (Oregon 4-H 130) 4-H Beef Resource Handbook, Ohio State University Extension Service, 4-H 117R (Oregon 4-H 1410) Other resources include: Contains descriptions of six classes: Ranch Horse Showmanship, Working Ranch Horse, Ranch Horse Trail, Cow Working, Roping, and Identification and Skills test. It also includes sample patterns and/or score sheets for most classes listed above The PNW 4-H Horse Contest Guide Lincoln-Adams 4-H Horse ID Forms are required for Horse Project Members who own/lease an equine for project use. DUE NOW, when members enroll!! Changes, new horses can be added up to the Final deadline on April 1st. The name "4-H" and the emblem consisting of a four-leaf clover with stem and the "H" on each leaflet are protected under Title 18 U.S.C. 707. (4H1614 1P-WEB-5:2012-PA) Produced by ANR Communications. Oregon 4-H Contest Guide 4-H rules and regulations. Oregon Dressage Society. Oregon Hunter Jumper Association. US Eventing Association Area VII. Oregon Quarter Horse Association. Oregon Reining Horse Association. Columbia Equine Hospital. Phone: (503) 663-1515 Address: 27841 SE Orient Dr, Gresham, OR 97080 . ONE ENTRY FORM PER HORSE GENERAL RULES: Rules published in 4-H Driving Manual (PNW229), Pacific Northwest 4-H Horse Contest Guide (PNW574), and Oregon 4-H Ranch Horse Contest Guide (4H 13131) will be followed. Additional ground rules specified in this entry form and announced or posted at the event, will also be followed. 4-H Colt and Horse Training Manual 4-H 1303 Reviewed April 2011 $3.00 The 4-H Colt and Horse Training Manualis designed to assist 4-H members and leaders in training the animal properly from the ground and in the saddle. The techniques outlined in this manual comprise one of several accepted ways to do the training. The PNW (Pacific Northwest) 4-H Horse Contest Guide. A compilation of rules for regional and state 4-H horse contests in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, including general protocol for shows, clothing, equipment, performance, driving, and ground training. $0.00. 4-H Hunt Seat Equitation . over Fences . A horse should be at least 5 years old before going over jumps. Performance . Any test listed under equitation may be asked. Performance will be judged on effective use of aids on the entire course. Emphasis will be on light hands, balance, correct posture, and seat on the flat and over fences. Oregon 4-H finished second in horse bowl, third in horse judging and 10th in hippology at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup, and sixth in avian bowl at the National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference. Indeed, Sperber had done well, finishing third overall at the annual contest held at the Kentucky Fair & Expo Center in Louisville, Ky., in For several years now, Oregon 4-H has been dabbling with Ranch Horse events. Utilize the Ranch Horse Contest guide, Ranch Horse Project manual, as well as 12am Watch This I'm Interested. Harney County Fair September 4-9, 2018. See you at the Harney County Fair & Rodeo! Event Details: For youth currently enrolled in a 4-H or FFA horse project. The purpose of the Horse Poster Contest is to visually demonstrate 4-H and FFA equine project knowledge and to exhibit the diversity of 4-H and FFA equine projects. Posters will be judged and displayed in the Gilligan Complex from Monday, July 18 th thr
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