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Unsafe School Choice Option Policy; Violence & Vandalism; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (504 Committees) Social Services. (DOE) and Children and Families (DCF). This module will provide information about what happens after a report of potential child abuse or neglect has been made. NJ Department of Education, PO Box 500, Trenton In New Jersey, multiple state agencies and child care stakeholders work together to ensure the health and well-being of children and support child care programs, such as summer youth camps. Department of Health (DOH) - Summer Youth Camps. Department of Children and Families, Office of Licensing (DCF/OOL) - Licensing and Prevention and Protection Services Policy Procedure Manual (PDF - 3243KB) Kansas Department for Children and Families. 2021. Oklahoma. Family preservation and support. Parents. A Guide to Working With Child Welfare (PDF - 2511KB) Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Child Welfare Division. 2018. Crediting Handbook for CACFP ( 4,458 KB ) Eligibility Manual ( 974 KB ) Family Day Care Homes Monitor Handbook ( 1,049 KB ) Feeding Infants in Child Nutrition Programs ( 1,845 KB ) Financial Management CACFP 796-2 Rev 4 ( 449 KB ) Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs ( 28 KB ) 1. Certificate Holder: NJDCF, 50 East State St., Floor 3, POB 717, Trenton, NJ 08625 --and-- A "CARI" or "Child Abuse Record Information" means the information in New Jersey's child abuse registry as established in N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.11, which may be released to a person or agency outside the Department's Child Protection and Permanency only prescribed by Law. Additional Information & Resources Module I: Policy Requirements. Welcome to Module I of "Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect: What School Personnel Need to Do" developed in collaboration between the New Jersey Departments of Education (DOE) and Children and Families (DCF). This module will provide an overview of policy requirements related to reporting potentially abused or Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P) staff resources DCP&P staff can work with PerformCare to help identify appropriate behavioral health treatment services for child welfare involved youth, including youth in foster care. Call PerformCare at 877-652-7624 and listen for the prompt for DCP&P. DCP&P authorizations Substance use treatment services. Call PerformCare at 1-877-652-7624, and we can connect you and your family to publicly funded substance use treatment services through the statewide New Jersey Children's System of Care. PerformCare can provide assistance, information, and referral to any youth or family. Substance use treatment brochure from This file includes all Regulations adopted and published through the New Jersey Register, Vol. 50 No. 11, June 4, 2018 New Jersey Administrative Code > TITLE 10. HUMAN SERVICES > CHAPTER 75. PSYCHIATRIC RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FACILITY SERVICES FOR INDIVIDUALS UNDER AGE 21 > SUBCHAPTER 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS § 10:75-1.2 Definitions Forgot your login ID? Forgot your password? Need help? If you need to register for Unemployment Benefits please go to Unemployment services are only accessed through that site. Otherwise, register for myNewJersey services
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