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When an architect in Germany designs a building, chances are that she will reach for "the Neufert" at some point—Ernst Neufert's (1900-86) Bauentwurfslehre or Building Design Handbook. Now in its 41st German edition, with 18 international editions, the book comprises an encyclopedic assortment of measures and floor plan elements that still serves as a reference for the organization Ernst Neufert's lectures at the Bauhochschule Weimar formed the basis for his handbook. Neufert gathered dimensions, experiences and results from practice and research, necessary for the planning of buildings, until he could publish the 1st edition of the Bauentwurfslehre in 1936. Since 1936 the Bauentwurfslehre has been continuously updated. Since it was first published in Germany in 1936, Ernst Neufert's handbook has been progressively revised and updated through 39 editions and many translations. This fourth English language edition Neufert's Architects' Data is an essential reference for the initial design and planning of a building project. It provides, in one concise volume, the core information needed to form the framework for the more detailed design and planning of any building project. Ernst Neufert's handbook has been progressively revised and updated through I actually find Neufert easier to use - it seems to be structured more logically. Our office has a copy of both, and I've noticed that people reach for Neufert before the Metric Handbook. From memory, Neufert's a bit more expensive. Not sure if that's a problem. Anonymous. September 2005 edited January 1970. Thanks for the advice. Architect's Data : The Handbook of Building Types, 2nd (International) English Edition by Ernst Neufert and a great selection of related books, Architect's Data : The Handbook of Building Types. Neufert, Peter, Neufert, Ernst. Published by Wiley & Sons, Limited, John, 1987. the 1936 Architect's Data handbook was ernst Neufert's lifetime achievement. 41st german edition of the book was translated into 17 languages. at present, Ernst Neufert's Architects' Data is an important reference book for architects practicing in countries that use the metric system. Data is the key word - the book is full of huge amounts of information that an architect needs to plan a building. Ernst Neufert was a German architect who is known as an assistant of Walter Gropius, as a teacher and member of various standardization organizations, and especially for his essential handbook Architects' Data. At the age of 17, after five years of working as a bricklayer, Neufert entered the school of construction (Baugewerbeschule) in Weimar. The publication of Architect's Data in 1936 was the high point of Neufert's long, uninterrupted career. Its German title, Bauentwurfslehre, translates literally as "teachings on building design," more forceful than the neutral Architect's Data.The work is simultaneously a handbook, a textbook, and a reference; it is a didactic treatise rather than a mere repository of data. Another speciality of the Rhône-Alpes comes from the Alpine region of Savoy. Here, the quality dairy products include a number of cheese dishes and delicacies such as cheese fondue and raclette, which originate in the area. A semi-firm cheese made with cow's milk, raclette offers a smooth, creamy texture, making it ideal for covering such Another speciality of the Rhône-Alpes comes from the Alpine region of Savoy. Here, the quality dairy products include a number of cheese dishes and delicacies such as che
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