Navy adt instruction














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active duty for training orders



The following highlights of information from those instructions along with some or equivalent Active Duty Training (ADT) as stipulated by the annual Joint Travel Regulations. Electronic Signatures and Management of Electronically Signed. Records, COMDTINST 5200.5. Military Personnel Data Record (PDR)Active Duty for Training (ADT) is intended to enhance or refresh existing skills that support military operations or future mobilizations. - ADT – Active Duty Training: An additional period of active duty, which may be authorized for training, schools, or Fleet command support. The unit CO must This instruction is a complete revision and should be reviewed in its entirety. Duty for Training (ADT), or who drill for pay are in the SELRES. CNRF calls Sailors to an active duty status for Annual Training (AT) and Active Duty for Training (ADT). CNRF also uses its orders writing functionality to

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