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Multidrop Combi nL provides accurate, reliable low volume dispensing in the range of 50nL to 50µL x Whether you work in a QC lab, or just want to increase the number of samples you can prepare in less time than with a pipette, Multidrop dispensers offer a convenient solution. 2807450 - Rev 1.0 - Thermo Scientific Multidrop Combi nL - User Manual.pdf: December 01, 2021: Back to top; 1507060 - Rev 3.2 - Multidrop DW - User Manual; D07669 - Rev - 1.1 - Qualification of Thermo Scientific Multidrop 384 and DW Unit; Was this article helpful? Yes; No; Recommended articles. There are no recommended articles. Article type Topic Documentation Type Manual; Tags. Multidrop Multidrop Combi (Thermo Fisher Scientific) dispenser in biofilm assays. In this experiment, bacte-rial suspension of Staphylococcus aureus was dispensed into the 96-microtiter well plates both manual-ly and with the Multidrop Combi. The results show that the use of Multidrop Combi to plate S. aureus had no effect on the bacterial abil- Contact Information. Agilent Technologies Inc. Automation Solutions 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95051 USA Technical Support: 1.800.979.4811 or +1.408.345.8011 Customer Service: 1.866.428.9811 or +1.408.345.8356 European Service: +44 12081443513 euroservice.automation@agilent. Multidrop Combi User Manual.pdf Author: steve.beckett Created Date: 20190327195955Z Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi cassettes, preventing reliable dispensing. Here are some simple steps you can take to help prevent this from happening. There are several sources for dust, particles and fibers to enter the tubing. • Particles may exist in the liquid that will be dispensed (in the filter or in the bottle) Thermo Scientific Multidrop Combi nL Rev. 1.0, Cat. no. N09467 The liquid path of the Multidrop® Combi nL is optimized for low- volume dispensing, which leads to the need for regular maintenance every time the instrument is used. For example, the valve orifice is only 0.1 mm and can leak or get clogged if not properly maintained. Before you start decontamination instructions in the Multidrop Combi nL User Manual. Backflush procedure Perform the following procedure to remove foreign particles from the dispensing valves and tubing: 1. Press the EMPTY button to drain the reagent bottle. Remove the reagent filter by carefully pulling it off the end of the cap tubing. Replace the cap securely on the Multidrop 384, 220 - 240 V 5840150 Multidrop DW, 220 - 240 V 5840170 Model Cat. No. Multidrop Combi, 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz 5840300 Multidrop Combi with SMART option, 5840310 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz M i c r o b i o l o g y Note : See the following pages for more details Note : See the following pages for more details Note : See pages 363 - 365 Multidrop ® Combi nL Reliable low volume dispensing Thermo Scientific Multidrop Combi nL is a newest addition in the high-performing Multidrop reagent dispenser family. It provides an easy-to-start and easy-to-handle solution for researchers in transition into low volume assays and dispensing of nanovolumes. Easiness does not mean compromise with performance, instead Multidrop Combi nL Multidrop™ Combi/ Combi SMART: Number of reagent dispensers: Up to 4: 1: Total volume range: 500 nL to 30,000 µL: 500 nL to 2,500 µL: Plate wash capability: 6- to 1536-well plates: No: Gentle automated media exchange for spheroids and loosely adherent cells: Yes: No: Mapped individual well dispense for normalization assays: Yes: No
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