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Mitsubishi MXZ-3C30NA2-U1 - 30,000 BTU 16.2 SEER Multi-Zone Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump Outdoor Unit 208-230V. This is the replacement Model Number for MXZ-4B36NA-1. This is an outdoor unit only, and requires an indoor unit to function. Indoor unit must be purchased separately. The MR. Mitsubishi Electric MXZ-3C30NAHZ2-U1. Mitsubishi Electric M MXZ-3C30NAHZ2-U1 Heat Pump, 28400 Btu/hr Cooling, 28600 Btu/hr Heating BTU, 208 - 230 VAC, 2272 W. Manufacturers: Mitsubishi Electric. Item #: 20840. Mitsubishi electric MXZ-3C68VA manuels d'utilisation PDF. Voir en ligne ou télécharger Mitsubishi electric MXZ-3C68VA Notice D'installation Mitsubishi Electric MXZ-3C30NAHZ2 ; Mitsubishi Electric MXZ-3C24NA ; Mitsubishi Electric MXZ-3C30NA ; Mitsubishi Electric MXZ-3C24NA2 Sitemap SERVICE MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS DIAGRAM Back to Ductless AC And Heat Pumps Technical Data MXZ-3C30NAHZ is a slim and compact unit housing INVERTER-driven compressor, featuring quiet operation. MXZ-C HZ models available only in heat pump (cooling and heating) multi-zone configuration (an outdoor unit can be connected to multiple indoor units). Mitsubishi MXZ-3C30NA2-U1 - M-Series 3 Zone, 2 1/2 Ton, Outdoor Heat Pump Unit, 30K BTUSlim and compact, INVERTER-driven compressor, quiet, Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), A-control connection, auto cool/heat changeover MXZ-4C36NA MXZ-4C36NA2-U1 MXZ-5C42NA MXZ-5C42NA2-U1 MXZ-2C20NAHZ MXZ-2C20NAHZ2-U1 MXZ-3C24NAHZ MXZ-3C24NAHZ2-U1 MXZ-3C30NAHZ MXZ-3C30NAHZ2-U1 No. OBH702 REVISED EDITION-E OBH702 REVISED EDITION-D is void. Revision E: • Capacity and input curve have been corrected. Indoor unit service manual MSZ-FE·NA Series (OBH542) MSZ-GE·NA Series (OBH548) 2019 Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US, LLC Job Name: System Reference: Date: SUBMITTAL DATA: MXZ-2C20NAHZ2 MULTI-INDOOR INVERTER HEAT-PUMP SYSTEM (For data on specific indoor units, see the MXZ-C Technical and Service Manual.) Specifications Model Name Unit Type MXZ-2C20NAHZ2 Cooling* (Non-ducted / Ducted) Capacity Range Btu/h 12,600 - 20,000 Wide range of indoor units. Up to eight different indoor units from the M series and Mr. Slim series can be connected to just one MXZ/PUMY outdoor unit to provide optimal air conditioning that meets the requirements of every room. The 14.0 / 16.0 and 15.5 / 18.0 kW outdoor units operate in cooling or heating mode and can be supplied with a 1 1340 Satellite Boulevard. Suwanee, GA 30024 Toll Free: 800-433-4822 13 MXZ-3C24NA MXZ-3C30NA Unit: inch (mm) Lock nut Conduit plates Low and negative ambient temperatures don't bother the MXZ-3C30NAHZ2. It is rated for 100% heating capacity at 5 degrees F and continues to provide heating in outdoor conditions as low as -13 degrees F. Precision Temperature Control Technology This outdoor condenser is equipped with inverter technology and an electronic linear expansion valve. MXZ-3C30NAHZ OK OK OK 12,18,24 OK 30,36 NO OK OK OK 18,24 OK 12,30 NO 24 OK 30, 36 NO * Refer to indoor unit submittal. • Minimum of two Indoor Units must be connected to the MXZ-3C30NAHZ. • Minimum installed capacity cannot be less than 12,000 Btu/h. • System can operate with only one Indoor Unit turned on. Manuals and buying guide for Mitsubishi MXZ-3C30NAHZ2-U1 MXZ-3C30NAHZ 30,000 BTU HYPER HEAT Multi Zone Mini Split Condenser SEER 18 - SEER 16. Find specifications on Mitsubishi MXZ3C30NAHZ2U1. Hotline Free: (888) 882-4424 Manuals and buying guide for Mitsubishi M
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