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Instruction Set. Architectures. MIPS. The GCD Algorithm. MIPS Registers Towers of Hanoi Example Intel's x86 is the most prominent example;. These examples take advantage of the full MIPS instruction set. The tool we will be using, Cebollita, models a processors that implements only a subset. (This CSE 420. Chapter 2 — Instructions: Language of the Computer — 3. The MIPS Instruction Set. ▫ Used as the example throughout the book. MIPS Instruction Set. Arithmetic Instructions. Instruction. Example. Meaning. Comments add add $1,$2,$3. $1=$2+$3 subtract sub $1,$2,$3. $1=$2-$3. Instruction Set Architecture. MIPS ISA. Instruction set; Instruction encoding/representation; Example code. Pipelining. Concepts; Hazards.Instruction set: Accumulator is implicit operand one explicit operand add, sub, mult, div, . . . clear, store (st). Example: a*b - (a+c*b). of machine instructions – this executable must also run on future machines – for example, each Intel processor reads in the same x86.
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