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FIELD MANUAL DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 21-11 J WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 8 March 1954 FIRST AID FOR SOLDIERS CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Paragraph Page Purpose and scope ----- 1 5 General ----- 2 5 The 3 lifesaver steps in first aid 3 7 CHAPTER 2. INJURIES REQUIRING SPE-CIAL FIRST AID MEAS-URES First Aid MCRP3-02G Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies Manual NAVMC 2691 W/CH1 Marine Corps Uniform Regulations MCO P102034.G W/ CH1-4 Rifle, 5.56-mm, M-16 TM9-1005-319-10 Uniform Fitting and Alteration TM-10120-15/1B User's Instructions for the Individual First Aid Kit IFAK Army First Aid Manual" is an essential resource for doctors, nurses, military personnel, parents, childcare providers, doomsday preppers, outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, campers, and anyone who would like to better know how to save a life in an emergency situation. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper. 2019-09-08 in U. S. Army CHECK. Airway, reathing & circulation. CARE. Provide care and reassurance . CALL. 911/Poison Control. Recognize and Act Army Service Forces UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1943 WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, April 7, 1943. FM 21-11, Basic Field Manual, First Aid for Soldiers, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [A. G. 062.11 (9-15-42). BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: General First Aid Measures 3-4. Chest Wounds 3-5. First Aid for Chest Wounds 3-6. Abdominal Wounds 3-7. First Aid for Abdominal Wounds 3-8. Burn Injuries 3-9. First Aid for Burns 3-10. Dressings and Bandages 3-11. Shoulder Bandage 3-12. Elbow Bandage 3-13. Hand Bandage 3-14. Leg (Upper and Lower) Bandage 3-15. Knee Bandage 3-16. Foot Bandage TCCC teaches first responders to treat casualties in the proper order, treating the most critical situations first. This is done using the acronyms MARCH and PAWS (see below). MARCH Acronym MARCH (massive hemorrhage, airway, respirations, circulation, head injury/hypothermia) is an acronym used by TCCC-trained individuals to The First Aid/CPR/AED program includes the following courses and modules, any of which can be combined (e.g., Standard First Aid with CPR/AED—Adult): First Aid CPR—Adult CPR—Child CPR—Infant AED—Adult AED—Child . Optional First Aid Modules and Lessons Asthma Inhaler (lesson plan available on Instructor's Corner) Direct casualty to move to cover and apply self-aid if able. Try to keep the casualty from sustaining additional wounds. Stop life-threatening external hemorrhage if tactically feasible: - Direct casualty to control hemorrhage by self-aid if able. Use a CoTCCC-recommended limb tourniquet for extremity hemorrhage - Move the casualty to cover 122 USAP Continental Field Manual FIRST AID Basic Field First Aid Manual This First Aid Manual describes some of the medical issues that may be encountered in an Antarctic field environment. This is not an exhaustive manual, but it will serve as a guide to those with lim-ited medical background to help treat their companions. It should FIRST AID 1. Change all instances of MCRP 3-02G, First Aid, to MCRP 3-40A.9, First Aid. 2. File this transmittal sheet in the front of this publication. PCN 144 000037 80 C1, FM 4-25.11 (FM 21-11) This is the PDF Version of the Survival Manual FM 21-76 Used by the US military, it's not perfect but it does have a lot of good information. . Keepupthepressureforatleast5 minutes and then hold thedressinginplace by bandaging. First A
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