Microinstruction geeksforgeeks








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what is microinstruction in computer architecture

The meaning of MICROINSTRUCTION is a computer instruction that activates the circuits necessary to perform a single machine operation usually as part of the The microinstruction is used to contain a set of bits in the control memory. With the help of some bits, we are able to start the micro-operations in a computer A micro-program sequencer attached to a control memory inputs certain bits of the microinstruction, from which it determines the next address for control In computer architecture and engineering, a sequencer or microsequencer generates the A field from the microinstruction is used for jumps, or other logic. Microinstructions are stored in control memory in groups, with each group specifying a routine. Each computer instruction has its own microprogram routine in– Control memory – where microinstructions are stored. Page 3. Microprogrammed Control Organization. External input. Next-

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