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Terminals 1 and 2: 12 V ac power connect supply (terminal on chiller 12V- e 12V+). Terminals 3-4-5: connect the RS-485 bus: terminal 3 to terminal GNDR, 18 MAXA Air Conditioner Manuals and User Guides (66 Models) were found in MAXA Air Conditioner GRIMPER FAN MSL Series Installation and operating manual HWA1-A & HWA1-H Chillers and Air/Water heat pumps with axial fans. 4. The manual of HWA1-A/HWA1-H units describes all the necessary information for theℹ️ MAXA Air Conditioner manuals are introduced in database with 12 documents (for 15 devices). You are free to download any MAXA Air Conditioner manual in MAXA N-P35A2 Manual Online: Remote Controller. Introduction of function buttons on the remote controller ON/OFF key to turn the air conditioner on and off. Our Company was founded in 1992 and since 1996 deals with environmental comfort, designing and distributing products for air conditioning. View online (40 pages) or download PDF (2 MB) MAXA MI26A, MI35A Technical manual • MI26A, MI35A split-system air conditioners PDF manual download and more Discover all the products from MAXA AIR CONDITIONING and see a list of their distributors. Contact the manufacturer directly for a quote. When the driver of the AC circulator is broken, the corresponding alarm will be immediately activated, see the manual of the driver for further information.

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