Manual lymphatic drainage mld














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Manual Lymph Drainage, or MLD, is a gentle skin massage that helps move extra fluid from an area that is swollen (or is at risk of becoming swollen), into an Manual lymph drainage (MLD) is a gentle manual technique used to assist lymph flow and aid in the drainage of tissues. It uses specific direction, pressure, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a massage technique that stimulates the lymphatic flow and helps transport the lymph from swollen to non-swollen areas. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a way of reducing swelling caused by fluid build up after cancer treatment. There are different types of manual lymphatic MLD is a light, skin-stretching massage that helps promote the movement of lymphatic fluid out of the swollen limb. It should not be confused with a traditional Lymphatic drainage massage, also known as manual lymphatic drainage, is a type of massage therapy performed by a qualified lymphedema professional. Manipulating Developed in France in 1932 by Emil and Estrid Vodder MLD has grown to be the most well known manual technique to assist lymph flow and aid in drainage of Lymphatic massage, sometimes called manual lymphatic drainage, is a specialized type of medical massage. It can help treat lymphedema, in which lymphatic

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