Letter of instruction to liquidate stock

Letter of instruction to liquidate stock








letter of instruction to sell stock computershare
stock transfer letter of authorization

I hereby notify you that in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Stock Purchase Agreement, I have elected to sell my stock in the corporation toSAMPLE OF A LETTER OF INSTRUCTION TO BROKER TO TRANSFER STOCK TO. MONTEREY PUBLIC LIBRARY FRIENDS AND FOUNDATION. Donor Name(s). Address. Telephone Number. TRANSFER AGENT INSTRUCTION LETTER. The Company shall have delivered instructions to the Transfer Agent authorizing the issuance of the shares of Common Stock Dear [Broker Name]: Following up on our telephone conversation, I authorize you to transfer [Number of shares to be donated] shares of [company name] common This form is designed to assist you in drafting a letter to a stockbroker giving instructions to buy or sell a certain stock. □. Be sure to include any “ **Sample Letter of Instruction**. August 1, 2016. (Your broker's name. Your broker's address. Your broker's fax number). Re: (Your Name & Account Number). Identify your letter as a letter of intent to sell shares. Define the company and who is meant by "seller" and "buyer." Include contact information for all the Please accept this letter as your authorization to liquidate only the following securities held in my account. (Attach additional sheet if necessary. SAMPLE OF LETTER OF INSTRUCTION TO BROKER TO TRANSFER STOCK TO THE INSTUTUTE FOR SHIPBOARD EDUCATION. Donor Name(s). Address. Telephone Number.

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