Lennox gas fireplace lighting instructions

Lennox gas fireplace lighting instructions














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Open windows. Do not light any appliance. Do not touch any electrical switches. 1. STOP! Read the safety information above on this page. 2. Access the lower LIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS – HONEYWELL AND SIT MILLIVOLT GAS VALVE. WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY, A FIRE OR EXPLOSION LENNOX HEARTH PRODUCTS • MERIT PLUS® DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACES (MPD33/35/40/45) Please carefully read and follow all instructions in this manual. - WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS: • Do not try to light any appliance. • Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any. phone in your building. other than those described in this manual may create a fire hazard and void the limited warranty. Your Lennox Hearth Products gas fireplace must be.86. OFF. LENNOX. Page 8. "Turn the gas valve knob to PILOT position." Examine the gas valve. It may have one or two knobs and may look like any of

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