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Hélène Javot, SP5 confocal microscope user manual, updated by Mamta Srivastava CONFOCAL LEICA SP5 user manual Use ONLY Leica OIL 11-513-859. If you are using the Argon laser, do NOT forget to put the digital power slider at 20-30%. 1. 2. 3. Page 3. Leica Microsystems, Inc. 3. Leica TCS SP5 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope User Guide This manual is the FIRST section of a THREE part Leica TCS - SP5 User Guide. User Manual TCS SP5. V: 02 | Document-ID-No.:156500002 The Leica TCS SP5 is supplied with the la- test version of the licensed Leica Application. The Leica TCS SP5 Confocal fully covers a broad range of requirements in confocal and multiphoton imaging with excellent overall performance. voltage supply systems. Refer to the Appendix of this Operating Manual for the Declaration of Conformity for the. Leica TCS SP5. The Only Broadband Confocal Leica TCS SP5. Archived Product. Replaced by SP8 LIGHTNING. adhered to when working with the Leica TCS SP5 and Leica TCS SP5 X. In addition, this operating manual provides a rough overview of the operating principle STARTING YOUR SP5 system: 1- Turn on the laser, scan, and computer/Mic buttons on your console (push green buttons, turn your laser's key) Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis. Leica SP5 Operating Manual accessed from your personal computer (instructions can be found on our webpage.

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