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Book Summary: The title of this book is Architects of Deception and it was written by Juri Lina. This particular edition is in a Hardcover format. This books publish date is Unknown. It was published by Referent Publishing and has a total of 592 pages in the book. The 10 digit ISBN is 9197495212 and the 13 digit ISBN is 9789197495219. Architects of Deception. Hardcover - January 1, 2004. The world we live in may seem frightening and confusing. The politicians and mass media claim that there is no pattern for the turn of events. The idea that there is a hidden connection between various destructive phenomena is usually ridiculed as a "conspiracy theory", which does not fit Dalam buku Architects of Deception yang ditulis oleh Juri Lina, ada tiga cara untuk melemahkan, menjajah, atau bahkan menghancurkan suatu bangsa. Ketiga cara tersebut antara lain: Pertama, kaburkan sejarahnya. Kedua, menghilangkan atau hancurkan bukti-bukti sejarah bangsa itu sehingga tidak bisa diteliti dan dibuktikan kebenarannya. Traducción al castellano de la obra de Jüri Lina: "Architects of Deception" by unboig in Types > Presentations. Traducción al castellano de la obra de Jüri Lina: "Architects of Deception" Baixe no formato PDF, TXT ou leia online no Scribd. Sinalizar o conteúdo como inadequado. Salvar Salvar Arquitectos del engaño Architects of Deception: The Concealed History of Freemasonry by Juri Lina. Under the sign of the Scorpion- the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire by Juri Lina [Review] USSR Illuminati Experiment Was "Social Catastrophe" by Henry Makow Ph.D. [Review] NWO Front for Cabbalst Jewish Tyranny by Henry Makow Ph.D. Articles [pdf] The Fight Against Usury
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