and quasi-one-dimensional steady flow of a compressible fluid. Quasi-one-dimensional steady flows: [8 ore di didattica frontale + 4 ore di esercitazioni 5 июл. 2022 г. — pending on approach-flow Froude number and curvature ratio, Anderson, J. D. (1990). Modern compressible flow: With historical. Testi di riferimento. John D. Anderson Jr., Modern compressible flow: With historical perspective ,. Mc-Graw-Hill, Int. Ed. 1990. John D. Anderson Jr., Anderson's book provides the most accessible approach to compressible flow for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering students and professionals. Автор: T Astarita — Anderson, J. D., Modern Compressible Flow, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill,. 1990. ○ Hodge B. K. and E K. Koenig, Compressible Fluid Dynamics: With. Personal Computer John D. Anderson Jr., Modern compressible flow with historical perspective, Mc-Graw-Hill, 1982. 2. Ernesto Benini, Propulsione aerea, CLEUP, Padova, 2005.Автор: T Astarita — John and Keith, Gas dynamics, Pearson Education 2006. Thompson, P. A., Compressible Fluid Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, 1972. Anderson, J. D., Modern Compressible
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