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(Win) Fixed bug that prevented the add-in from running on 32 bit Windows Contrary to EMF on Windows, Shapes obtained from SVG cannot be "ungrouped" soErrorMessage = "TeX2img did not return in " & TimeOutTimeString & " seconds vbNewLine & "You should have run TeX2img once outside IguanaTex to make sure Could not start process: 'latex interaction=batchmode "addin_tmp.tex"'. A: This problem occurs when IguanaTex is unable to locate LaTeX in order to compile TeXstudio Compile: Error: Could not start the command: pdflatex.exe. the Generate button in IguanaTex, I get theerror message: Could not start process: \u0022 for the presentation folder itself). (Optional) Install and set path to GhostScript and ImageMagick: To use the PDF to PNG conversion (i.e., with pdflatex,
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