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SPT-500. eBay Product ID (ePID) 2280516836. Product Key Features. Compatible Product. Base Station Radio. item 2 HY GAIN AV-18VS 10-80 METER HF HAM RADIO VERTICAL BASE ANTENNA INDUCTOR TUNED 2 - HY GAIN AV-18VS 10-80 METER HF HAM RADIO VERTICAL BASE ANTENNA INDUCTOR TUNED. AMATEUR ANTENNA INSTRUCTION MANUAL. $5.95 +$4.50 shipping. Best This fantastic true full-size 5/8 Wave 10/12 Meter vertical antenna from Hy-Gain was a legend in the 70's . . . now it's back to prove its legendary status once again! A Full-size radiator with lower radiation angle concentrates power closer to This fantastic true full-size 5/8 Wave 10 / 12 Meter vertical antenna from Hy-Gain was a legend in the 70's . . . now it's back to prove its legendary status once again! A Full-size radiator with lower radiation angle concentrates power closer to the ground, where you want it. Measures 22 foot, 9.5 inches. Larger diameter, heavy wall ply-tubular construction makes the new Super-Penetrator Hy-Gain BN-86 Balun, Broadband Ferrite, Ferrite Rod/Coax Core, 1:1 Ratio, 3.0-30 MHz, 50 ohms, Side Antenna Feed Hy-Gain SPT-500 - Antenna, Vertical, , Super Penetrator, 1,500 W, 10-11-12 meters CB HAM Antenna, Beam, FM, Beta Match, 2 meters, 14 Elements, 500 W, 15.2 dBi, 15 ft. 6 in. Boom Length. Was: $209.95 Now: $205.00. Add to Cart Hy-Gain 10/12m Super Penetrator Vertical Antenna. 5.3dB gain, 22ft tall, radials are 8'-9" long, accepts mast 1-1/4" to 1-5/8" in diameter.Rated to survive winds up to 80mph. This fantastic true full-size 5/8 Wave 10 / 12 Meter vertical antenna from Hy-Gain was a legend in the 70's . . . now it's back to prove its legendary status once again! INSTRUCTION MANUAL General Description The Hy-Gain 18AVQII is an omni-directional, vertical radiator that operates on the 10, 15, 20, 40, and 80 meter amateur bands. The system will work against earth ground or a resonant radial system when mounted above ground. You can make your own radial system following the manual, or use the SPT-500 is specifically designed to accept AM-FM-SSB-DSB signals with low loss. Handles 1.5 killowatts. Antenna Specifications: Gain (dB): 5.3 dB SWR (at resonance): Less than 1.2:1 Nominal input impedance: 52 Ohms Lightning Protection: DC Ground Height: Twenty-two feet, six inches Radial Length: Eight feet nine inches Wind (Survival): 80 MPH HY-GAIN AR-500. Designed for the use of small UHF, VHF, 6-Meter, TV and FM antennas. Has programmable antenna controller with remote-control. AR-500 remembers up to 12 antenna directions even after a power outage! Control all functions with the remote control or console. The control console displays location chosen and relative position. Product Manuals; Newsletters; Contact and Support. Create A Support Ticket; Contact Us; Hy-Gain. Home Companies Hy-Gain. Show12 24 36 48. Home Companies Hy-Gain. Company Features. Hygain. Type. AGK-8, IT, GUY KIT, FOR HF VERTICALS. $99.95 AR-500, ROTATOR, VHF/VHF BEAM, PROG REMOTE, 110/220 VAC. $199.95 It is much larger than the original Hy-Gain CLR 2 configuration. It measures out exactly the same in height & circumference as does the Penetrator 500 (22'9.5" (273.5") V and 8'9" H (105") (before tuning) and it uses the exact same matching rod and beta rod system as does the Penetrator Order 500. Product Overview. Reviews. This fantastic true full-size 5/8 Wave 10 / 12 Meter vertical antenna from Hy-Gain was a legend in the 70's now it's back to prove its legendary status once again! A Full-size radiato
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