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1-3 From the main menu tap the HART icon. The HART icon can be seen in the upper left corner of Figure 2. Figure 2 shows the main screen of the 475 Communicator. 1-4 The 475 Communicator will request the manufactures code and model number from the Radar unit. The information is used to load a device descriptor if one is installed on the Hart 475 Field Communicator - USED UNITS FOR PURCHASE $ 2,500.00 THIS LISTING IS FOR USED HART 475 UNITS THAT ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE All Used Hart 475 Units Include: Carrying Case Manual 2 Alligator Clips Test Lead 2 Grabbers Stylus Power Supply Power Cord Emerson SD Card Rubber Boot Case Strap Hand Strap 250 OHM Resistor 1 Year Calibration 475 Field Communicator works with all your devices to positively impact your bottom line. Through Easy Upgrade, you always have access to the latest HART and Fieldbus drivers. With the 475 Field Communicator, you are guaranteed universal HART and Foundation Fieldbus support in a single, intrinsically safe handheld communicator. Intrinsically Safe User's Manual 475 Field Communicator User's Manual September 2011 WORKING ONLINE WITH HART DEVICES Connecting to a HART device The 475 Field Communicator can communicate with a device from the control room, on the bench, or any wiring termination point in the loop. Connect the 475 Field Communicator with the appropriate connectors in Figure 2. Model 275 HART Communicator. Introduction Scope of Manual This instruction manual includes calibration and configuration information for FIELDVUEr instruments, when used with the Model Check the Meriam web site ( ) for latest manual revision. HART® is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation For customer assistance please call your local Meriam representative or Meriam directly. Meriam Process Technologies 10920 Madison Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44102 Power on the 475 Communicator by pressing and holding the power key until the green light on the power key blinks. 3. From the main menu tap the HART icon. The HART icon can be seen in the upper left corner of Figure 2. Figure 2 shows the main screen of the 475 Communicator. 4. MANUAL The sections in this manual provide the following information on the 375 Field Communicator. Section 2: Learning the Basics contains information on settings, types of storage, IrDA® communication, card readers, ScratchPad, maintenance, and managing files and storage. Section 3: HART Functionality contains information on HART 475 Field Communicator. 본 매뉴얼의 섹션은 475 Field Communicator 에 대해 다음 정보를 제공합니다. 섹션 2. 기초 (Learning the Basics): 조립, 구성품, 시작하기, 대기상태로 들어가기, 끄기, 설정하기, 지원하는 PC 적용 및 응용, 475 Field Communicator 사용에 대한 정보를 담고 Step by step instructions on how to configure a Hart 475 Manual. Show More Show Less. More items related to this product. Free shipping. item 2 HART 475 Field Communicator 475FP1EKLUGMT V3.9 Emerson 475 w/ Hart & Fieldbus HART 475 Field Communicator 475FP1EKLUGMT V3.9 Emerson 475 w/ Hart & Fieldbus. Electronics service manual exchange : schematics,datasheets,diagrams,repairs,schema,service manuals,eeprom bins,pcb as well as service mode entry, make to model and chassis correspondence and more. Electronics service manual exchange : schematics,datasheets,diagrams,repairs,schema,service manuals,eeprom bins,pcb as well as service mode entry, make to model and chassis correspondence and more.
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