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Access additional printable workouts to get you in your best shape ever! 30 Day Kettlebell Swing Workout. Full Body Workout At Home. Exercises To Get Rid Of Love Handles Fast. The 30 Day Plank Challenge. 30 Day Wall Sit Workout. Morning Yoga Routine For Beginners. Incredible Workout To Melt Body Fat. 30 Day Ab Workout. 25 Minute Workout. 60 Bodyweight Exercises Store Workouts Diet Plans Expert Guides Videos Tools A workout for people who have finished bulking and have excess fat to lose. It combines weight Exercise Sets Reps Back Wide Grip Pull Up 4 8 Close Grip Pull Down 4 8, 8, 6, 6 Cable Row 4 8 Biceps Barbell Curl 3 8, 8, 6 This gym workout routine is meant to help you cut down on any time spent wandering around, trying to figure out which machine to do next. It's also a very balanced routine because it hits all antagonistic muscle groups. Weight Machine Circuit Gym Workout. Upper Body. Chest Press. Seated Row. Overhead Press. Lat Pull Down. These programs are designed as four week plans. Each program has a workout A & B. Alternate workouts daily for 6 days, then rest. For example, perform workout A on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; perform workout B on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Different muscles are trained in workouts A & B, which means you are training each muscle group 3 Exercise Sets Reps Legs 1. Squat 3 - 4 6 - 12 2. Dumbbell Lunge 2 - 3 12 - 15 3. Dumbbell Step Up 2 - 3 12 - 15 Glutes 4. Barbell Hip Thrust 3 6 - 12 5. Glute Cable Kickback 2 - 3 12 - 15 Cardio 15 Min of HIIT on Stationary Bike Day 2 - Back & Arms Exercise Sets Reps Back 1. Pull Downs 3 - 4 6 - 12 2. One Arm Dumbbell Row 2 - 3 12 - 15 3. Seated Cable Row 2 - 3 12 - 15 Here's a list of some of our favorite printable routines: FB 1000 Repetition, 500 Calorie Blast. 7 Day Total Body Program. Speed and Agility Training Routine. Hourglass Exercises for a Curvy Body. Booty Boot Camp. 100 Rep Home Workout. View entire FB's entire library of Printable Exercise Plans. How to use these Routines: EXERCISE Joint Mobility Warm-Up Jump Squats Feet Elevated Push-Ups Table Row Single Leg Squat V-Up Single Leg Elevated Glute Bridge Reverse Crunches Rotating Side Plank 4x/week; spaced evenly throughout week (e.g. M/T/Th/F, T/W/F/Sa). Perform aerobic exercise 2-3x/ wk on off days. • Every 3rd workout, decrease all sets by 1. Workout 1: Cardio. To begin, choose a cardio machine (like the treadmill or the elliptical) and aim to stick with it for 20 to 25 minutes or whatever seems achievable for you. Start off slow and gradually adjust the incline, resistance, or speed if you think you can handle more. Here is the pdf link of No Equipment workout plan Pdf. Jumping Jacks - 60 seconds Squats - 60 seconds Burpees - 60 seconds Push ups - 60 seconds Lunges - 60 seconds Supermans - 60 seconds Climbers - 60 seconds Squats/Calf Raise - 60 seconds Clap push ups -30 seconds Jump Ropes - 30 Seconds Gym Workout Plan for Beginners Pdf Total Gym is safe, easy to use, fun and most importantly it WORKS. Total Gym's unique design addresses the 3 main components of fitness - strength training, cardio training, and stretching - working All major muscle groups simultaneously on 1 machine. Many machines target just one muscle group; however with Total Gym you get a more 4a. Front Rack Kettlebell Walking Lunge 3 20 4b. Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Raise 3 8 4c. Dumbbell Lateral Raise to Front Raise 3 12 each side 5. Wall Balls* 4 25 6. Handstand Pu WORKOUT ROUTINE This full body wor
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