Green fluorescent protein purification student manual answers

Green fluorescent protein purification student manual answers
















Once students transform bacteria with pGLO, they never forget the central dogma of molecular biology: DNA > RNA > Protein > Trait — Green Fluorescence Gene expression and gene regulation — bacteria transformed with pGLO show green fluorescence only when they are grown in the presence of arabinose. AMGEN BIOTECH EXPERIENCE STUDENT GUIDE 2015 A . A . 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB A Bacteria Multiplication and Protein Purification E-4 Laboratory 6: Purifying the Fluorescent Protein E-9 Chapter 6 Questions E-15 Chapter 6 Glossary E-16. INTRODUCTION STUDENT GUIDE A-1 2015 A . A . formed bacteria. Students who have allergies to antibiotics such as penicillin, ampicillin, kanamycin or tetracycline experiment. Cat.# 303-PLTW Exploring Biotechnology with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) 3 1.800.EDVOTEK • Fax 202.370.1501 • • One of the biggest challenges for first-time students of biotechnology or molecular biology is that many of the events and processes they are studying are invisible. The Biotechnology Explorer program has a s olution: a gene from a bioluminescent jellyfish and its Green Fluorescent Protein—GFP. GFP f luoresces a brilliant green when viewed with a maintained: students still follow a cloning project through to completion, culminating in the purification of recombinant protein. It takes advantage of the enhanced green fluorescent protein - students can actually visualize positive clones following IPTG induction. Cover basic concepts and techniques used in with a gene that codes for Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). The real-life source of this gene is the bioluminescent jellyfish Aequorea victoria, and GFP causes the jellyfish to fluoresce and glow in the dark. Following the transformation procedure, the bacteria express their newly acquired jellyfish gene and produce the fluorescent protein intensive course. The "project" approach to experiments was maintained: students still follow a cloning project through to completion, culminating in the purification of recombinant protein. It takes advantage of the enhanced green fluorescent protein - students can actually visualize positive clones following IPTG induction. Teach your students how to purify a green fluorescent jellyfish protein produced in E. coli! Bringing genetic engineering and protein purification into your classroom has never been simpler. Module 2 is designed to allow students to purify GFP from the E. coli cells they successfully engineered in a pglo transformation answer key - - student manual pglo transformation bio-rad. ext: pdf date: 2015-06-16 teacher's answer guide lesson 1 With the pGLO Transformation Kit, students use a simple procedure to transform bacte- ria with a gene that codes for a Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). The real-life source of this gene is the In this activity students take their successfully purified GFP and run a polyacrylamide gel to determine the results of their purification technique. Students analyze the band of purified GFP, approximately 27kDa, and compare it to the banding pattern of unpurified cell lysate to determine the effectiveness of their purification process. the purification of recombinant protein. It takes advantage of the enhanced green fluorescent protein - students can actually visualize positive clones following IPTG induction. Cover

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