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The conveyor parts in general and their functions are as follows: Conveyor Parts 1. Feed Chute The feed chute is an inlet for materials to be moved by the conveyor. The items to be moved are put into the feed chute before they are on the rubber belt. 2. Loading Skirt 2. The Engine. 3. The Transmission System. 4. The Body. Apart from these four essential parts of automobile, there are controls and auxiliaries. The controls are meant for controlling the movement of the vehicle. The auxiliaries are additional components meant for providing comfort to the user of the automobile. A one-way clutch (also known as a "sprag" clutch) is a device that will allow a component such as ring gear to turn freely in one direction but not in the other. This effect is just like that of a bicycle, where the pedals will turn the wheel when pedaling forward, but will spin free when pedaling backward. In an automobile, the clutch is the part that makes or breaks the relationship between an engine and a gearbox, mainly the clutch is a member of a machine component that transmits the power from the engine to wheels of the vehicle through the gearbox.. The clutch consists of several parts like friction surface, diaphragm spring, coil spring, hub, etc. Gearboxes, are essentially multiple open gear sets contained in a housing. The housing supports bearings and shafts, holds in lubricants, and protects the components from surrounding conditions. Fig. 11.14b shows the Lock and Dam 4 roller gate worm gearbox and also the adjoining herringbone drive gears. The principal components of a single-engine, propeller-driven aircraft are shown in below Fig.2. Fig.2. Aircraft structural component. Fig. 3 illustrates the structural components of a typical turbine powered aircraft. One wing and the empennage assemblies are shown exploded into the many components which, when assembled, form major structural The engine and transmission must increasingly be considered as one functional unit. The terms used are "powertrain matching" and "engine/transmission man-agement". This can only be achieved by an integrated electronic management sys-tem covering the mechanical components in both engine and transmission. The transmission uses a planetary gear system to preselect gear ratio. A small lever on the steering column is used. Drivers shift gears by pressing down the foot pedal that notifies one of the preselected gears. The previous gear disengaged immediately the new gear engages. Parts of the manual transmission system and their functions The landing gear location is arrived at and type of landing gear is selected. The landing gear geometry is defined along with kinematics. Steering concepts are also identified in this phase. The ground loads are estimated using dynamic simulations for material selection and preliminary sizing of components. The actuation A planetary gearbox is an instrument with the output and input shafts aligned. A planetary gearbox is employed to transmit the greatest torque in the most compact form (introduced as the torque density). With its intrinsic cylindrical assembling and in-line shafting, planetary gearing is always provi
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