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View online or download 1 Manuals for Gardena Easy 1887. Besides, it's possible to examine each page of the guide singly by using the scroll bar. Database contains 1 Gardena Easy 1887 Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Operator's manual . Gardena Easy 1887 Operator's manual (14 pages) Pages: 14 | Size GARDENA MICRO-DRIP-SYSTEM 3 TIPS AND TRICKS Drip irrigation has numerous benefits: Water is able to penetrate the soil with pinpoint accuracy and seep into the ground with ease, there will be no fluctuations in your water costs, you will save water and your plants will be kept well-tended. Patented Quick & Easy connection Automatic garden COMPUTER DE APA EASY CONTROL GARDENA ART. 1881 Cititi aceste instructiuni si respectati-le intocmai. Folositi aceste instructiuni pentru a va familiariza cu programatorul si folosirea lui Butonul Man. Pentru a comuta manual debitul de apa "ON / OFF" 2 butonul Schimba durata de udare 3 butonul Ajusteaza ciclul de udare The GARDENA Water Control must not be used for industrial purposes or in conjunction with chemicals, foodstuffs, easily flammable and explosive materials. 4 EN 1. SAFETY Important! Read the operator's manual carefully before use and keep for future reference. Te explicamos el funcionamiento del programador Gardena Easy, para que puedas despreocuparte del riego, él lo hará por ti.Con el programador de riego GARDENA manual es siempre independiente de estos valores. 1. Sacar la unidad de control A de la caja del temporizador de riego. (ver capítulo 4. Puesta en marcha "Colocar la pila"). 2. Coloque el sensor de humedad del suelo en el área de aspersión - o - el sensor de lluvia (si fuera necesario con cable de alargasmiento) fuera del área de Water Computer 1060. Watering cycles per day: Features Features Description Information and Service. Easy programming The operating unit with the large and clear display can be removed for easier programming. Flexible irrigation control It could not be more flexible. ADVERSUS MARCIONEM PDF. With the large, easy-to-use rotary knob, the desired Thanks to intuitive operation and step-by-step display of all irrigation data, this is very easy. Water Computer Article No. 1862-28 Download user guide Gardena Water Computer MultiControl in PDF format: Water-Computer More leisure time in the garden Do you need some relaxing time or someone to water your garden while you're away on holiday? 1.000.000+ free PDF manuals from more than 10.000 brands. Search and view your manual for free or ask other product owners. View online or download 1 Manuals for Gardena 5L EasyPump. Besides, it's possible to examine each page of the guide singly by using the scroll bar. (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Operator's manual . Gardena 5L EasyPump Operator's manual (40 pages) Pages: 40 | Size: Gardena 5L EasyPump Related Products. Gardena Blue area GARDENA Outdoor Cooling Mist Set Irrigation recommendations Réglage Recommandation Toutes les 4 - 24 heures GARDENA Micro-Drip-System Toutes les 24 - 72 heures GARDENA Sprinkler Zone bleue Brumisateur GARDENA Recommandations d'irrigation 1888-20.960.01.indb 2 19.11.18 08:21 Blue area GARDENA Outdoor Cooling Mist Set Irrigation recommendations Réglage Recommandation Toutes les 4 - 24 heures GARDENA Micro-Drip-System Toutes les 24 - 72 heures GARDENA Sprinkler Zo
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