firma contra LSP
fortifyUpdate: Update Fortify Security Content. fortifyUpload: Upload Fortify scan results to SSC. fortifyRemoteArguments: Set options for remote Fortify SCA analysis. fortifyRemoteScan: Upload a translated project for remote scan. fortifyRemoteAnalysis: Upload a project for remote Fortify SCA analysis. fortifyClean: Run Fortify SCA clean. Can anybody let me know the steps of how to scan a JS file using Fortify security scan software. I surfed for user guide, but couldn't get any for this. My scan tool page looks likes this ht HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer Software Version 3.70 HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer User Guide Document Release Date: November 2012 Software Release Date: November 2012… Fortify Static Code Analyzer and Tools v20.2.x Documentation Last Update; Fortify Software Release Notes v20.2.0: 03/2021: Fortify Software System Requirements: 01/2021: What's New in Fortify Software 20.2.0: 11/2020: Fortify Static Code Analyzer User Guide: 01/2021 • HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer User Guide This document provides instructions on using the analyzers to identify vulnerabilities in your code. • HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer Utilities User Guide This document provides information on the command-line tools that provide additional management and access to the functions provided by SCA. Performing a manual assessment of your website (before using any tools) will help you quickly spot mis-configured scans, tweak scan configuration parameters, and ensure more consistent results. The first step is to become familiar with the site topology - directory structure, the number of pages, submission forms, etc. Perform a manual site survey and take notes. Once you Installed Fortify, you need to prepare your Fortify to start using the Fortify Static Code Analyzer. For the same, Follow the Following Steps. STEP 1: Go to the Installation Directory and navigate to bin folder in the Command Prompt or in Command line tool. STEP 2: Then type scapostinstall. We are using Fortify cloud scan 19.10 .For Controller and Sensors (5 sensors) we are using Windows server 2016 and client is Jenkins/GoCD hosted in linux environment. What we observed is, in every 10/15 scans 3/4 no scans are getting scan faulted issue. I am attaching the Sensor and Controller logs for reference.
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