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Lovely and out of tune cats "Fleabag" and "Mutt" found themselves in a relentless struggle. Enter the game to begin fighting with "Start" button. Description: Play Fleabag vs Mutt game without flash. It's a turn-based throwing game. Fleabag and mutt hate each other. There could be only one animal Fleabag vs Mutt is a Kids game to play free online. Controls: Use your mouse to play 〜 We want to let you know that Fleabag vs Mutt game is one of the bestWe're together with 2. version of "Fleabag vs. Mutt" that we have published before in Twoplayergames.org portal. Flebag and Mutt come to handgrips again How to play Fleabag vs. Mutt? This cat and this dog are neighbors, and they fight a lot. Take the wind into account and start throwing stuff at your enemy! A game about cat vs dog. Throw bones or trash at each other. Lovely and out of tune cats “Fleabag” and “Mutt” found themselves in a relentless struggle. Fleabag VS Mutt, often referred to as Cat VS Dog, is a Flash game by gametuner.com where a teal cat (Fleabag) and a gray dog (Mutt) throw objects at each

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