firma contra LSP
This makes camera alignment a breeze. When you first begin with a camera it does not hurt to follow the recommended procedure of having a string attached to the bottom mounting screw of the camera, then hold that on the far side of the track on the finish line. In the middle of the track have a second assistant hold a plumb bob with the tip on More tech support tips and resources at: Lynx System Developers is the maker of FinishLynx photo-finish technology and produces fully automatic timing systems, line-scan cameras, and athlete tracking technology for sports markets across the world. The sports technology company is privately-owned and located in Haverhill, MA. User manuals; About us. FinishLynx - A World Leader in Photo-Finish Cameras & Fully Automatic Sports Timing Systems. Manual Zoom. Motorized Zoom. Motorized Zoom. EasyAligh(TM) Full Frame Video Alignment. X. X. X. Full-Color Photo-Finish Images. X. X. X. 500' Start Cable and Cabled Start Sensor. X. X. X. Once you have prepared your start lists in Roster Athletics, then go to FinishLynx. Click on the Select event icon and when you see the dialogue, then click on Load Schedule. When you have done so, click on the drop-down menu and select the event you want to time and click OK. Now the synchronization setup is complete and the start lists for a Manual Seeding. To assign athletes to heats and lanes/positions without going through the seeding process, double-click an unseeded event round on the Seeding tab. The seeding review screen will appear. To import results from FinishLynx, first setup the Lynx directories using the same procedure as for track & field. Then, in Enter Results Full FinishLynx32 software with support for RadioLynx Wireless Start (E39916), Lynx Software Plug-in (s), IdentiLynx full frame video camera, Scoreboard interface for display of running time & results, Wind gauge interface for automatic wind reading data import. Call for a custom quote 1-800-688-8227 or email The timing setup at home, Wilde Field, is a semi-permanent one. This venue has a permanent camera mounting pole adjacent to the finish line. Atop the pole is a flat mounting plate to which the Lynx camera is clamped for each meet. At the base of the pole is an enclosure with 110V AC power and an RJ-45 Ethernet jack. Configure your LIF machines in AthleticLIVE. Use Case 1: Splits and Finish on the Same Computer. Configure AthleticLIVE Local on the finish PC. Set up FinishLynx on the finish PC. Use Case 2: Splits and Finish on Separate Computers. Configure AthleticLIVE Local on the timing PCs. Set up FinishLynx on the split PC. Follow along for step-by-step instructions on how to set up a basic FinishLynx Vision camera package.0:14 - Tripod setup (3 meters from finish line)0:34 - Le This manual explains the settings required to send data to a Daktronics scoreboard or display system from third-party FinishLynx™ and FlashTiming timing software as well as Hy-Tek Meet Manager®and DirectAthletics MeetPro results software. This manual also describes connection to FieldLynx to display information for field events. Section 5.1 for Display Studio sequence creation. To send Hy-Tek data to the display see section 4.6 of the above manual for instructions on how to send data from Hy-Tek. To test FinishLynx running time choose "Scoreboard" and then put a check mark next to Show time of day. This may require Lynx to be re-started. Section 5.1 for Display Studio sequence creat
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