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Instructional strategies and materials are selected based on the principles of provision of accurate materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the interest, abilities and maturity levels of students, primary school teachers should be encouraged in every way to use instructional strategies as it makes It is commonly assumed that concrete manipulatives are effective because they allow children to perform mathematics without understanding arbitrary, written mathematical symbols. We argue that the sharp distinction between concrete and abstract forms of mathematical expression may not be justified. used by the hands in mathematics instruction. Hands-on approach- intensified by the use of manipulatives. Hands-on materials and manipulatives are used interchangeably. 2. VBCPS - Virginia Beach City Public Schools 3. Curriculum - the objectives, content, and learning sequence for a particular course. 4. Wallace, Pearlena The major purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of mathematics instruction based on the use of manipulative materials in grades 4, 5, and 6. A secondary purpose was to find whether this approach is differentially effective for students in different grade level, sex, or welfare recipient categories. exclusion of many math manipulatives either because of lack of funding or because of the required time for preparation of lessons and instruction when including manipulatives. In this research project, I explored the importance of manipulatives and whether they actually do make a difference in the learning of mathematical concepts. Math Manipulatives: A Review of the Effects of manipulative instruction solving area and perimeter Research on instructional materials for mathematics. Sowell, E.J. (1989, November). Effects of manipulative materials in mathematics instruction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 20 (5), 498-505. materials of this type. Manipulatives are concrete or virtual objects (e.g., blocks and chips) often used in elementary grades to illustrate abstract mathematical concepts. We conducted a systematic review to examine the effects of interventions delivered with manipulatives on the learning of children with mathematics learning disabilities (MLD). The outcomes observed in the sample (N = 38 The current study investigates the influence of manipulatives used in combination with traditional approaches to mathematics education and how varying amounts of time spent on manipulative use influence student achievement across different learning styles. Three learning environments were created that incorporated varying proportions of traditional teaching approaches and manipulative methods. manipulative instructional materials in teaching the selected learning competencies in mathematics as shown in Table 5, there was no statistically significant difference between mean scores of the experiment and control groups (U=412.34 p>.05).
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