Dual 1214 owners manual
















Drive: Synchronous continuous-pole motor with radial-elastic suspension. Platter: non-magnetic, dynamically balanced, 3.1kg. Speeds: 33, 45 and 78rpm. Pitch control variation: 6%. Rumble: -60db (weighted) Tonearm: extra long, torsionally rigid metal arm, 4-point gimbal suspension, skeletal head design. Cartridge holder: removable, accepts all 1 Our DUAL 1214 Service Manual provides the important servicing information and operating instructions you need to diagnose and repair your malfunctioning or failing unit. Most of our service manuals will include disassembly instructions, schematic diagrams, parts lists, exploded views, troubleshooting, wiring diagrams and much, much more. Dual 1214 , turntable Service Manual format suitable for Windows XP, Vista, 7 , 8 , 10 , Android and Mac Chassis & Electrical Wiring diagrams Workshop manuals are perfect for any owner who likes DIY, who wants to get down and get dirty with their vehicle, but in enough depth to be used by professional mechanics too. This is the best site to find what you need.I reccomand all thecnicia n to contact User-Manuals . Charles Dussier - 12/05/2006 Super vraiment excellent! la qualité d'image est vraiment au rendez vous. fichier recuperrable dans la journée c'est impeccable! Fichier qui etait introuvable, je l'ai enfin ! merci !!:) Glen Meyer - 10/26/2008 Dual 1214. Toggle navigation Menu Free service manuals Service Manuals Please do not request manuals that are not on the website. Brand: Dual: Type a: 1214: Type b: Type c: Type d: Product: HIFI PLATTENSPIELER: Year: Please read this before you donate. Rare and Ancient Equipment DUAL Audio 1214 Dual_1214_service_manual.pdf: 3377 kB: 4: DUAL: Dual 1214 service manual: analog multimeter) by different manufacturers (Fluke, Wavetek, Tektronix ) Search our database of Service manuals, schematics, diagrams, pcb design, service mode, make-model-chassis, repair tips and eeprom bins for various Extracted text from Dual 1209 Owners Manual (Ocr-read) Page 1. Hi-Fi automatic turntable Operating instructions. D 773 217 392 20/570 - u - - D k2C.R -- KG,V-II Dual Gebruder steidlnger ~ 7742 StfieorgenISchwarzwald m aviaemifeaino-effliry' m. Page 2. 1209. Page 7. Dual 1212 Owners Manual. This is the 6 pages manual for Dual 1212 Owners Manual. Read or download the pdf for free. If you want to contribute, please mail your pdfs to info@audioservicemanuals.com . Page: 1 / 6. Download DUAL 1214 service manual & repair info for electronics experts. Service manuals, schematics, eproms for electrical technicians. This site helps you to save the Earth from electronic waste! DUAL 1214. Type: (PDF) Size 6.7 MB. Page 22. Category AUDIO SERVICE MANUAL. Dual 1214 Service Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to Pinterest. Share via email. EMBED EMBED (for wordpress.com hosted blogs and archive.org item tags) Clean the shaft areas in the bearing with lacquer thinner. Use a Q-tip (cotton swab) to remove the oil from the bearings themselves. Put a film of lubricant on the shaft. Let the bearings soak up some oil, wipe out the excess. Reassemble the motor, remove any excess oil (there shouldn't be any). Clean the shaft areas in the bearing with lacquer thinner. Use a Q-tip (cotton swab) to remove the oil from the bearings themselves. Put a film of lubricant on the shaft. Let the bearings soak up some oil, wipe out the excess. Reassemble t

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