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Debating Glossary. Adjudicator/Judge: An observer of a debate who is responsible for deciding which team has won. Where there is more than one adjudicator, DEBATE DICTIONARY. A GUIDE TO DEBATE TERMINOLOGY. BY TRIUMPH DEBATE. PRODUCED BY: KATIE HUMPHRIES, SOPHIA DAL PRA, NETHMIN LIYANAGE AND ZAC DAVIS. The Karl Popper Debate format focuses on relevant and often deeply divisive of his or her team's case, including whatever criteria or definitions the. Often found in national circuit debate. Hasty Generalization — Generalizing an argument on the basis of insufficient evidence. Hypo Testing (Hypothesis Testing) Glossary of Key Debate Terms – The Jargon Explained judge (both in and out of a nutshell), see Tournaments. National Speech & Debate Association: Speech and debate GloSSary 1. baSIc toUrnaMent terMInoloGy ballot: the sheet of paper or online location where judges you will be scored, and this score determines who will win the debate. that they need to provide a DEFINITION (that is, defining the key terms and the.Setting up the debate does not require a dictionary definition of the words in the motion, and this should be avoided. Instead, the affirmative team should aim This is the negative burden in debate. Constructive Speech - The first speech given by a debater in a round. The constructive speech is eight minutes in policy
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